


så fint. brukar tänka på detta när jag saknar min andra halva.

Don't cry for the horses, that life has set free
A million white horses, forever to be 

Don't cry for the horses, now in gods hands
As they dance and prance, to a heavenly band

They were ours as a gift, but never to keep 
As they close their eyes, forever to sleep

Their spirts unbound, on silver wings they fly 
A million white horses, against the blue sky

Look up into heaven, you will see them above
The horses we lost, the horses we loved

Manes and tails flying, they gallop through time
They were never yours, they were never mine

Don't cry for the horses, they will be back someday
When our time has come, they will show us the way

Do you hear that soft nicker, close to your ear
Don't cry for the horses, love the ones that are here ♥

här är jag

med tandställning.


 efter natten utan sömn under en pressening

lagade mat på spritkök

hela gänget som sov ute, minus victoria som sov inne

oliver, kajsa, jag. fina miner

vi igen. rasmus vicoria anton kajsa oliver jag

jag, kajsa





i skogen en dag i september/oktober

ofokuserad  linnea och lydig smudo